[DAY29]Largest Rectangle[Solution1]:List all the rectangles and find the maximum.Dec 5, 2019Dec 5, 2019
[DAY25]Max Array SumSolution: Dynamic Programming. This question is not well defined, an single element also counts for subset. Hence we need to divide this…Nov 2, 2019Nov 2, 2019
[DAY24]Minimum Time RequiredSolution 1: Traverse through day and check if the number of product meet the the goal.Nov 1, 2019Nov 1, 2019
[DAY23]Triple sumSolution: In python, we can use set() function to build an unordered collection of unique elements. Hence, we apply set function to input…Nov 1, 2019Nov 1, 2019
[DAY22]PairsSolution: First, we have to sort the given array. And we only need to traverse through the array once to find all the pairs. We start from…Oct 28, 2019Oct 28, 2019
[DAY21]Swap Nodes [Algo]Solution: Because the Node with -1 value won’t be supplied -1 -1 in the n lines. So we can’t build the tree with an array. We need to…Oct 23, 2019Oct 23, 2019